Based on The Rise of The Teenage Mutuant Ninja Turtles show on Nickelodeon, you can now collect all of signature training weapons in the Turtles arsenal and channel their powers! Each training weapon comes with a signature Turtle mask, and a newly designed T-Emblem throwing star!
- Each Role Play set comes with the corresponding Turtles's signature training wrapon from the TV show!
- Includes a 2-in-1 T-Emblem throwing star that alslo clips to your trousers or belt buckle to show you are part of the Turtles Sewer Squad!
- Each Role Play set comes with the corresponding Turtle's bandana in their signature colour!
- 4 in the assortment (each sold separately)!
Product Contains;
- 1 x Raphael's Tonfa!
Product Dimesnions;
- 43 x 6.4 x 22.9 centimeters
Product Saftey;
- WARNING: Not suitable for children under 4 years. For use under adult supervision
- WARNING: Toy inside. Adult supervision recommended.
Carton Quantity: 4
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